毛里求斯为非洲东部印度洋中一岛国,与非洲大陆相距2,200公里。毛里求斯风光秀美、气候宜人、民风淳朴、政治稳定, 是世界著名旅游目的地。

金牛建设工程有限公司(Goldox Construction Ltd.) 是毛里求斯当地知名建筑企业,于2010年初在毛里求斯正式投入运营,主要从事建筑工程施工和建材销售等业务,经过十多年的发展已经成为当地主流工程承包商。公司立足于毛里求斯,通过工程建设和建筑材料销售架起中毛友谊的桥梁。

公司先后承建的工程项目有晋非商务中心 、SUPER U商业中心、LA CROISETTE商业中心、机场新航站楼、印度洋最大商业综合体Tribeca等大小项目100多个,在当地建筑行业中赢得了良好口碑和信誉。公司在当地有很强的市场竞争力和影响力。





Company History

Goldox Construction Ltd has been incorporate in April 2009. Mr. Ding Hong, Managing Director,started the company after having worked for various construction companies for a period of 7 years in Mauritius. With a view to provide better building finishes both externally and internally, Goldox Construction Ltd has been created so as to provide expertise services in design, procurement and construction of metal structure and concrete buildings, external building finishes such as Composite Aluminium Cladding, Glass Curtain Wall, Aluminium Openings as well as Interior Fit-Out works in terms of Gypsum Partitioning, Glazed Partitioning, Isolation Panel installations for Cold Rooms, Mineral Fibre and Gypsum False Ceiling, Floor finishes amongst others.

The Goldox team comprises mainly of experienced professionals with more than 20 years’experience on buildings and civil projects in China and Overseas. Our local staffs have been operating in the construction industry in Mauritius and have managed various prestigious projectsacross the island.

Our company uses the latest technology on the market and the equipment has been specifically ed to deliver as per highest building standards and codes of practice. Coupled with our management expertise, we guaranteed excellence and efficiency on all our projects.

Our Key Management staffs and Engineers have managed most landmark projects over the last 5 years in the country. Our portfolio ranges from Commercial Centres, Office Buildings in Ebene Cyber city Area to Hotels and IRS projects around the coastal regions of the island.

Goldox Quality Management is based on an integrated system of design, procurement, delivery, fixing and protection of finished works which unconditionally abides to Consultants’ Specifications and Clients’ Quality Requirements. Our procurement department is established in China for purchasing and manufacture of customized quality products at affordable costs.

We guarantee value added services and satisfaction to our Clients and remain confident that our Clients shall regard Goldox as a trustworthy partner in all new endeavors.

毛里求斯金牛建设集团 联系人 :丁富仁
地 址 :上海市闵行区平阳路59号
邮 编 :201100
邮 箱 :goldoxdfr@126.com
网 址 :http://www.goldox.mu

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